How the project started

In the spring of 2023 my crazy girl Roobi was diagnosed with a bone tumour in her leg. Although Roobi was 13, she was very much still racing around and full of life. With the support of my amazing vet we opted for amputation to give her some pain free months to continue being the crazy kangaroo that we knew and loved. This was new territory for us and seeing how Roobi bounced back from surgery in just two weeks, totally blew my mind. I found other tripawd dogs and heard their stories.They were living their lives to the full despite the curve balls that life had thrown at them. This is how the tripawd project started. These amazing superdogs need to be celebrated. They show us how to love life and to make the most of every moment.

The fabulous Julie Hill from Dogcast Radio has done a wonderful job of interviewing all of the owners Click on the button beneath each photo panel to liste to that dog's story. 

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Mayhem is a sporty collie who loves Hoopers. Mayhem lost her leg to cancer and lives life at high speed. 

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Kaia is small but mighty. Kaia injured her leg in the garden at just 5 months of age. Kaia now lives her life to the full on three legs. 

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Prinny is a princess of speed. Prinny had already had her leg amputated when she was rescued. One thing is for sure, life on three legs does not slow her down. 

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Beach bella loves the sea. The beach is her favourite place. Having a rear leg amputated did not stop Bella enjoying playing in the sea.

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Nzuri injured her leg in an accident outdoors. Nzuri loves to swim and to chase. Nzuri is a super-speedy flyball dog. 

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Archie injured his elbow on a walk. Attempts to pin it failed. If there is a puddle Archie is in it. He moves so fast you don't notice he has three paws and not four. 

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Harry is a rescue dog from Cyprus. It's believed that he lost his leg as a result of abuse. Harry loves life, chasing treats and being outdoors. 

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Roobi the kangaroo loved to leap and chase. Having a front leg removed did not not change this in anyway. Her love for a tennis ball and chasing her pals continued. 

A massive thank you to our sponsors who not only have made the exhibition possible but are amazing businesses. I love what they do. Please check them out. Thank you!

Dog cast radio

Four Paws Hydrotherapy

Ruff diamond dog training

The Eco Dog Design Company


Hedgerow Hounds

Mr Slobberchops

Rock & Dog Uk

Cotswold Raw